NP: I have noticed that do you a lot of reading.
JH: Not as much as I would like to, but I manage.
NP: I also noticed that you read a lot of Young Adult Lit (YA), why is that?
JH: This is a complicated answer, do you have time for it?
NP: Sure, I can't get far with these plastic legs.
JH: There are many reasons that I read YA. First and foremost, it is my dream to be a YA librarian. So I have to know the material to be able to match the perfect book with the person. Secondly, a lot of YA is better than your average fiction for adults. I challenge you to find a better book than one of John Green's, M.T. Anderson's or Meg Cabot's. The writing is sophisticated, complicated, and just damn good. Granted there are a lot of sugar-coated, trite, "pink" books out there for the YA crowd. But even those are fun. Who hasn't read a Danielle Steel or Nora Roberts book? And finally (for time purposes), I get a lot of free YA books because of my job. :)
NP: I enjoy a good YA book as well, as you know I wrote Book Crush.
JH: Yes I know, you are my idol after all :)
NP: Well it is getting late and I have a date with my little BatHunk so I better make myself beautiful.
JH: Thank you for guest blogging. I think I am going to get a jump start on my Twilight reading.
How nice of Nancy to stop by to chat.
I just wish Nancy didn't looks like a man in a dress. Almost like that George Vogle guy from The Practice. With more hair. And I hope Nancy doesn't keep heads in freezers.
LOL! Now I have side splints!!!!
Dear Nancy Pearl:
I do not think you look like a man in real life. I just think your action figure could be improved.
I am sorry.
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