Thursday, June 26, 2008

The 100 New Classics Project...

What the heck is it?
Recently I was excited to see that the wonderful people at Entertainment Weekly used their time and extensive brain power to come up with their 1,000 New Classics List. Now being the nerdy pants kind of gal that I am, I directly flip to the the book list. You can view the list by clicking here. While trying to determine what kind of pop culture guru I am, a light bulb appeared over my head. Why not call the nerdiest person I know and issue a challenge. Below is a transcript....

Me: *bring bring*
Jen: Hello Sister!!!
Me: Did you get your Entertainment Weekly yet?
Jen: Let me check...
Bronwen: nanananana
Jen: Yes.
Me: Want to be nerdy with me and read all 100 books and maybe blog about it together.
Jen: Sure
Bronwen: buh bye

And so a project was born.....

So if you want to impress your friends with your nerdiness, join us in reading and blogging...

Once certain people return from a vacation we will begin. Meanwhile, I will read lovely pink fluffy books before I start The Road. So get your copies now and put on your taped glasses, suspenders, and high waters.

Official Project Rules:
Some books will not be read due to the fact we have read them several times. We will still blog about our feelings if the book belongs on the list or not. Each project member gets 5 passes on book. There is no way I can read Cold Mountain trust me I tried. We at this blog are not responsible for loss of eye sight or carpal tunnel caused by heavy books.


mimi said...

OK, I'll bite. Although I have my own list of 100 best books (Nancy Drew taking up about 25) I have read a good many of these (I think) though I'll not remember much of the plot, character development, etc. due to age constraints. My suggestion would be to totally scrap #9 and start with #72 (what an intriguing title). The Mother of this Invention

Jana said...

We'll start at the very beginning...A very good place to start :)

Babsy said...

I love this idea! I'm game, but can you add a handful of trashy Sandra Brown's?