Monday, September 22, 2008

American Pastoral...

I went to the library and checked my copy of American Pastoralby Philip Roth. So enough with hurricanes, vampires, and such, let's get back to the project. For inspiration I am heading to a field to read.


mimi said...

Thanks a lot Jana!!!!! I just remembered my library copy of American Pastoral is a week overdue and now I'll have to pay the fine!! So much for using the library.......

Jen said...

Copy of book secured. Will commence with reading tomorrow, if not tonight.

Tiff said...


Jana said...

*shakes her head* I guess I will have to keep track of when your books are due as well. You can renew on-line and then you don't have to pay fees!!!

Jen said...

I like how mom blames the library for her book being overdue. What ever happened to personal responsibility?